

Software Development

As a student, I am actively learning to design and develop scalable and efficient software systems. Through my coursework and personal projects, I focus on creating solutions that are not only functional but also optimized for performance and maintainability.


Artifical Intelligence

I am exploring the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence by developing and training models for various applications. This involves hands-on experience with datasets, feature engineering, and model evaluation techniques.


Web Development

I am currently developing my portfolio website using Next.js, Framer Motion, and Tailwind CSS. This project helps me learn to create responsive and user-friendly interfaces, as well as integrate smooth animations for a better user experience.


Open Source Contributions

I am contributing to open-source projects as part of my learning process and professional development. By participating in these projects, I collaborate with experienced developers, learn from their expertise, and contribute to the improvement of widely-used software.